Planet Storage

Where Junction storage meets business and the arts

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Superbowl XLVIII


This morning I saw I guy pull up in a pickup truck and back up to his unit. He had just come from a local meat place and had a bunch of cases of frozen hamburgers and sausage. He loaded onto his truck an older fridge from maybe the 60’s or 70’s (which he told me is in perfect working condition – but sucks a lot of electricity) and a kagillion cases of beer.

I have seen and spoken to this guy many times. Super nice guy. Always waves hello when he drives in and then goodbye when he drives away. Always pays his bill on time. Tidy, polite and personable. Model tenant.

I know exactly what he was doing today.

Every year, he hosts a Superbowl party weekend at his cottage near Minden, ON. He and a select group of friends and their significant others head up to the cottage, plug in the old fridge out side on the deck, load it up with beer and enjoy. They play hockey on the lake, do a little snowmobiling, play football in the snow and when Superbowl Sunday hits, the select group of 20 or so people, fire up the bbq, plonk in front of the big screen and watch the game.

Sounds like an epic weekend.

Enjoy the Superbowl guys! And thanks for storing with Planet Storage 🙂

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If you’re like me, you get tired of winter right about now. The Winter Holiday Season has come and gone and there are no significant celebrations or holidays within the foreseeable future. Valentines Day is something to look forward to in February if you have a sweetheart, but really, its not a holiday, and let’s be honest, do we need snow and ice for that? No. We do not.

But rather than be depressed about the next two months of bitter cold and snow, I’ve decided to focus on the positive. Winter can actually be pretty darn beautiful. Especially if you live in this Castle.


This is Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany. It looks amazing anytime of year but in winter its especially beautiful. Its approximately 65000 sq. ft. and has about 200 rooms and it’s situated on a hill that overlooks a nearby village. Imagine seeing this everyday as you look up the hill from your town? It would certainly take the bite out of winter a tiny bit. Absolutely beautiful!

Now, I wonder if we can convince my boss to build a storage facility that looks like this…hmmm…

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Ten Odd Self Storage Requests…

self storage

Nothing can prepare you for the human condition. We humans are full of surprises and weirdness that can astonish and amaze even the strangest of people. The self storage industry is fraught with these weirdnesses (yes, I just made that word up). While most of the people that walk through our doors are perfectly normal and grounded, we could also write a book on the number of strange requests that we get.

I pulled this info off the web but believe it or not, we’ve had some of these requests. Here are ten strange storage requests…in no particular order.

1. Can we store 5 pallets of magnets? (I’m sure every unit within a 20 foot radius had their metal objects stuck to the wall)

2. Do you have a storage unit big enough for a window washing vehicle with a crane?

3. Hi, can I have a unit for myself…to sleep in?

4. We need something to put our Christmas presents in. Do you have something for that? (this isn’t actually all that weird…especially if you have snoopy kids)

5. I need a unit to grow some flowers so I’ll be needing a unit with power…

6. I need to store my luggage, I’m at a sleep deprivation clinic down the road and they don’t have room…(huh?)

7. I need a place to smoke. You can’t smoke anywhere in the godforsaken town anymore! (He literally only had a hookah, and lighter and a pillow)

8. We need a unit for our pitbull…(Two things. Number one, illegal and cruel. Number two. NO!)

9. Do you have anything big enough for a bow and arrow shooting range? (He literally wanted to put a tree at one end of the unit and shoot arrows at it)

10. We need a large unit to dump our snow…(a snow removal company needed a place to put their snow and wanted to rent a unit so they could put it their to melt)

Ah yes…the wonderful world of self storage. If you have some strange self storage requests, please let us know. We would love to post more of these. Drop us a line 🙂


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Magazine Collectibles


A large portion of our society like to collect magazines. We know, because we’ve seen it. And over the years we have seen a trend in which magazines are the most popular to collect. So we decided to make a list…

Here, is a list of what we believe are the top 5 magazines that people collect in self storage…(in no particular order).

1. Readers Digest – Largest paid “monthly” circulation magazine in the world.

2. National Geographic – Also, one of the highest paid monthly subscriptions in the world.

3. Life – This magazine only exists in old dusty piles in self storage units and basements. The magazine was discontinued in 1972.

4. Time – Largest paid “weekly” circulation magazine in the world, covering politicians, celebrities, the entertainment industry and pop culture.

5. Sports Illustrated – Liberal use of colour photos, in-depth sports reporting, scouting reports and of course the coveted swimsuit issue, make this sports magazine “the” sports magazine!

The reality is, we have very little proof, if any, that these magazines are the most collected magazines. We are simply basing it on the number of times we have passed by an open unit, or have been talking to a tenant here at Planet Storage and have seen a collection of magazines stacked in a box in a corner. 9 times out of 10 its one of these five magazines.

How about you? Do you have any collectible magazines in your storage unit? Do any of these ring a bell? Maybe you have some others that aren’t on this list…let us know.

And then if you’re not already here, come store them safely here at Planet 🙂

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Happy New Year!


2014! Can you believe it?

I can still remember when we all panicked because the world was going to come to a grinding hault because of the Y2K issue back in 2000. And yet here we are, still plugging along. Thank goodness 🙂

For those that don’t remember, Doomsdayers and Naysayers, had the rest of the world believing that the world would fall into some sort of catastrophic apocalypse because our computers weren’t developed to switch from 1999 into the new millennium. The worlds computers were supposed to go haywire and thrust our economic systems into collapse along with a myriad of other terrible things. And nothing happened. The clocks changed and the world kept on ticking much the same as it always has.

This year, much the same as we always have, Planet Storage would like to extend to you a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year. Minus the false apocalyptic drama.

Here’s to 2014!